Merhaba everybody,
Today’s lesson is Past Tense. I hear people screaming “we had that lesson before”. Yeah i know i know. But what you don’t know is actually there is 2 types of past tense in Turkish language. One with the -di suffix and -miş suffix. You previously learned the -di past tense. That one is most common in daily language.
The difference between -di and -miş past tenses is easy. If you lived the event, or see with your own eyes, with your own senses it is done with -di suffix, if you didnt see , didnt hear -miş is used. -miş tense is used in Stories and tales.
Let’s see how to form past tense in Turkish language :
Doğmak : to born, (sun rising)
Güneş doğmuş ama ben görmedim. Uyuyordum. — Sun was risen up but i didnt see. I was sleeping. (Didnt see the sun rise so -miş is used)
Güneşini doğuşunu izledim. — I watched the sun rise. (I watched the sun rise with my own eyes so -di is used)
Güneşin doğuşunu izlemiş – He watched the rise of the sun ( He watched the rise of the sun but i didnt see him watching)